SpyxFamily: Season 1

In 2022, SpyxFamily was released digitally on Shonen Jump Plus. It’s about a highly trained spy codenamed, “Twilight.” He reluctantly accepts a mission to get married and adopt a kid in order to get close to his target. Before posing as psychologist named, Loid Forger. He adopts, Anya. A little girl with telepathy. He convinces a woman named, Yor. She’s actually a deadly assassin under the codename, “Thorn Princess.” Yor accepts the fake marriage. Reason why she married him? Because she must get married to avoid notoriety as an assassin. Both are unaware of their true professions. Except for Anya, who knows about their secrets. The manga earned critical acclaim. As of mid-2024, SpyxFamily continues the Forger Family’s misadventures.

SpyxFamily’s first season officially streamed in 2023 (same year Godzilla Minus One came out) on Crunchyroll. It received positive reviews from critics and streamers alike. Season 2’s also available to stream. Recently, a movie titled, “Code: White” was released on April 19, 2024. I’ve yet to see both of ’em. As a fan of spy fiction and anime, I thought about giving SpyxFamily a try.

This review contains no SPOILERS.

Success & Failure Qualities

Success: Alex Organ, Natalie Van Sistine & Megan Shipman all did a superb job for their respective voiceover performances.

Animation looks crisp and clean.

Action Sequences showcase Loid & Yor skills and abilities. Both professional like “Leon: The Professional.”

Humor has a bunch of legit funny moments. Especially Anya’s facial expressions whenever she reads somebody’s mind. Anya’s way funnier than Mindy Kaling’s horrendously bad “Velma.” I’m so not looking forward to Season 2.

If you’re a fan of “My Hero Academia” like me, Clifford Chapin (Bakugo) voices Keith Kepler.

While attending school, Anya crosses paths with Damian Desmond. The son of Donovan Desmond. The latter’s Loid’s primary target.

As the series progresses, we learn about the main characters’ personal lives.

Chemistry between Loid, Yor & Anya serves as the main highlight.

Anya used to be an experiment called, “Subject 007.” An obvious reference to James Bond’s codename. Her favorite show, “Bondman” is obviously named after him. Anya names her dog Bond after the show as well as 007. Heck, Loid reminds me of Daniel Craig’s Bond. Because he has blonde hair like him.

Best way to describe SpyxFamily is a cross between “We’re the Millers” and “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.”

Second ending’s song, Shikisai” is very catchy. Much better than Miley Cyrus’ stupid song, “Flowers” or anything by Taylor Swift.

My favorite character is Anya’s classmate and friend, Becky.

An encounter between two people sets up Season 2.

Failure: Despite Loid & Yor being highly trained professionals, how come they never deduce each other’s skills? Doesn’t make sense. It’s like the people of Metropolis failed to recognize Superman & Clark Kent are the same person. In the words of Mr. Pink from “Reservoir Dogs.” “We’re supposed to be professionals!”

The Final Verdict: A-

SpyxFamily’s first season marks the beginning of a great show. For now. If you’re new to the series, go check it out. Which anime series or movie should I review next? Please leave a comment.

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