A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

In 1998, a journalist named, Lloyd Vogel is assigned to interview beloved TV icon Fred Rogers, known for hosting “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” about the importance of being a real life hero as many of families see him as a hero teaching kids about growing up, reality and serious issues related to humanity. Two Decades Later, Sony bought the film rights to Esquire’s article about Lloyd’s encounter with Mr. Rogers. Tom Hanks signed on to play Mr. Rogers & Matthew Rhys also signed on to play Lloyd Vogel in “A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood.”

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood was released in 2019. (same year Joker came out) It received positive from critics and movie goers alike. The film later earned an Oscar nomination for “Best Supporting Actor. (Tom Hanks) In a twist of fate, Brad Pitt took home the Oscar for his role as Cliff Boothe in “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.”

Tom Hanks’ latest World War II movie, “Greyhound” is now streaming on Apple TV. In response to his new movie, I’d like to share what’s good or bad about Tom’s portrayal of the late TV icon.

When I was a pre-schooler & kindergartener, I have no recollection of watching Mr. Rogers on PBS. I only have memories of watching PBS shows including, “Sesame Street,” “Wishbone,” “Zoboomafoo,” “Arthur” & “Between The Lions.” My parents didn’t have anything else to watch in The 70’s, they just watched Mr. Rogers or Saturday Morning Cartoons when television didn’t have many stations back then.

Today’s review doesn’t contain no SPOILERS whatsoever. Feel free to read my non-spoiler article.

Beautiful & Ugly Elements

Beautiful: Tom Hanks did a decent job for his performance as Fred Rogers. Tom also played another iconic legend Walt Disney in “Saving Mr. Banks.”

Other Cast Members such as Matthew Rhys & Chris Cooper both did a great job for their respective performances.

Fun Fact: The real Fred Rogers was a fan of Tom Hanks’ work. I’m not pulling anybody legs, according to a DNA test, they’re both related. Tom is actually Mr. Rogers’ sixth cousin. Don’t believe me, look it up.

Chemistry between Mr. Rogers & Lloyd Fogel felt organic. Their interaction served as a primary highlight for the duration of the movie. Mr. Rogers was actually a nice man in real life whenever he’s not on camera.

Cinematography never had any issues present throughout.

Without giving too much away, Lloyd is having a personal struggle with his father which has something to do with family issues. This plays a huge role in Lloyd’s Character Development.

The Tone for the film is basically a warm fuzzy feeling as in the subway scene when a crowd full of citizens sing the theme song. If anybody has watched Mr. Rogers growing up, you might get the feeling you’re a little kid again at heart.

Similar to “Forrest Gump,” a blue screen was used for Tom to recreate Mr. Rogers’ interviews on talk shows.

The film’s title is obviously a reference to the opening theme song from Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.

Props from the show are brought back in pivotal moments including puppets like King Friday, Daniel Stripèd Tiger, a model of the neighborhood from the opening credits of the show and the living room where Mr. Rogers interacts with the viewer in every episode.

The film takes place in 1998 back when “Saving Private Ryan” came out. Aspect Ratio often shifts between black bars on both sides to mimic a camera, then we shift back to a full screen representing reality in our own eyes,

If you have a sensitive side, you’re gonna cry. Trust me, I’ve watched this with my mom and dad. I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t cry. Crying during movies or TV shows are very difficult for a viewer like me to shed a couple. Last time I cried during a movie and television series was “Avengers: Endgame” & the season finale from HBO’s “Euphoria.”

Ugly: I’m gonna be brutally honest, I haven’t spotted any flaws throughout the entire thing. I’m giving the cast & crew an Extra Point for honoring a TV icon and a real life journalist who learns to be a responsible man.

The Final Verdict: A, FOR APEX!

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood is a heartwarming movie that’ll make you cry and cheer for Mr. Rogers & Lloyd Vogel. If you have nothing to do on your spare time, go ahead and give A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood a watch alongside the HBO documentary “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”

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