X-Men: First Class

After “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” became a critical flop, 20th Century Fox (pre-Disney purchase) cancelled plans to develop “X-Men Origins: Magneto” in favor of a prequel titled, “X-Men: First Class” focusing on the X-Men’s early years, the friendship between Charles Xavier/Professor X & Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto and their partnership while squaring off against Sebastian Shaw. A mutant […]

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After the 2017 reboot of “The Mummy” starring Tom Cruise flopped both critically and financially, Universal Pictures discarded the “Dark Universe.” A failed attempt to make their own cinematic universe in order to compete with the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU for short) in favor of working on individual films without shoehorning multiple characters. Their first […]

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Deadpool 2

After the critical and financial success surrounding Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds, producer Simon Kinberg and other producers at Fox, immediately begin development on a sequel to the first entry based on the title character. Besides co-producing the first film, he got promoted as a co-writer to write the screenplay for the sequel gaining more creative control […]

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