X-Men: First Class

After “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” became a critical flop, 20th Century Fox (pre-Disney purchase) cancelled plans to develop “X-Men Origins: Magneto” in favor of a prequel titled, “X-Men: First Class” focusing on the X-Men’s early years, the friendship between Charles Xavier/Professor X & Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto and their partnership while squaring off against Sebastian Shaw. A mutant […]

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Trapped (Sony’s Flops Vol. 1 #12)

“Trapped” was officially released in 2002. (same year Coldplay’s second album A Rush of Blood to the Head came out) It was criticality panned by critics and movie goers alike. Sony failed to recoup its $30 million budget. “Sweet Home Alabama” & “The Tuxedo” made more money than Trapped. Dakota Fanning (one of my favorite […]

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We’re already familiar with Val Kilmer’s work in “Top Gun,” “The Doors,” “Tombstone,” “Batman Forever,” “Heat” & “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang,” but do you know him offscreen? For the first time, the actor shares us movie goers personal videos in a documentary film titled, “Val.” Val is currently streaming on Amazon Prime. It received positive […]

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